Compassionate Womens Healthcare

Cancer Screening

Cancer Screening services offered in the greater Evansville, IN area

Cancer screening tests are vital for women because many are at risk for breast and cervical cancers. Board-certified women’s health care nurse practitioner Amanda Phelps-Jones, WHNP-BC, makes cancer screening convenient. She’s here to help women prevent serious health problems while guiding them to the best health possible.

Know your risk!!!  If you have a family history of certain cancers, you may be a candidate for heridtary cancer screening.   Nearly 1 in 4 people meet the criteria for hereditary cancer screening.  At Amanda's clinic, you will be offered genetic screening and will know if you are a candidate for the hereditary screening at the time of your visit.  Our clinic is equiped to screen, collect the sample and then follow up with the results as they become available.  Call the Evansville, Indiana office or book your cancer screening using the online feature now. 

Cancer Screening Q & A

What kinds of cancer screening do women need?

All women need cancer screening tests at certain points in their lives. At Amanda Phelps-Jones, WHNP-BC, a prominent women’s health practice serving the Evansville, Indiana, area, women’s cancer screenings focus on reproductive and breast health, including cervical and breast cancer screening. 

You also need other types of cancer screening, like colonoscopy, which is performed by gastroenterology specialists. 

What can I expect during cancer screening?

Cancer screening is a simple process at Amanda Phelps-Jones, WHNP-BC. It includes:

Cervical cancer screening

Cervical cancer screening is conducted through a Pap smear, which involves collecting a small amount of cells from the cervix (the uterine opening). 

Amanda performs Pap smears during pelvic exams. It’s generally not painful, but you might feel some pressure. Pap smears only take a few minutes. 

Your cell sample goes to a laboratory where they check for unusual changes that could indicate the early signs of cervical cancer. Pap smears are why cervical cancer is one of the most treatable cancers: they allow for the earliest possible detection and treatment. 

Breast cancer screening

There are two types of breast cancer screening: clinical breast exams and mammograms. Clinical breast exams involve checking for lumps and other unusual changes in your breast tissue.

Mammograms are specialized X-rays that can detect problems that you can’t feel, so they’re critical in detecting breast cancer in its early stages.

What age should I start cancer screening? 

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends starting cervical cancer screening at age 21, regardless of the age you first had sex. 

After your first Pap smear, testing frequency depends on your age and individual circumstances. You may need to test anywhere from once a year to every 3-5 years. 

If you have an average risk of breast cancer, you can have mammograms starting at age 40. If you have an increased risk, you may need to start earlier. 

With all types of cancer screening, Amanda can recommend the best testing intervals that suit your needs. She’s here to work with you, whatever your circumstances, so you can stay healthy and prevent cancer. 

Call Amanda Phelps-Jones, WHNP-BC at the Evansville office or click the online booking feature to set up your cancer screening now.